About Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging

About Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging

About Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging

Serving the Seniors of Bedford, Huntingdon, and Fulton County, PA

The Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging (HBFAAA) is dedicated to serving the needs of seniors throughout our entire Tri-County service area of Huntingdon, Bedford, and Fulton County, PA. Through a wide variety of direct and subcontracted programs and services, we strive to support our elders through the transitions of older adulthood.

The purpose of the Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging is to provide a comprehensive social service delivery system for the older and functionally disabled populations of Huntingdon, Bedford, and Fulton Counties.

Our Mission

The purpose of the Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging is to provide a comprehensive social service delivery system for the older and functionally disabled populations of Huntingdon, Bedford, and Fulton Counties. Our Agency implements this mandate by coordinating support and assistance through a system of quality home and community-based programs and services.

The Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging is a public agency under the jurisdiction of the counties of Huntington, Bedford, and Fulton.

Who We Are

The Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging is a public agency under the jurisdiction of the counties of Huntington, Bedford, and Fulton. The Agency is directly governed by the nine commissioners representing these three counties and is referred to as the “Joint Board of Commissioners.”

The Agency operates in accordance with a formal Joinder Agreement entered into by the County Commissioners and under the auspices of the Older Americans Act, program directives issued by the Pennsylvania Department of Aging, regulations of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, other funding sources, and local policies that have been designed to address specific operational concerns. The Agency maintains offices in each of the three counties, with the location in Bedford continuing to function as the main administrative office.

The Agency is also recognized for its active Citizens’ Advisory Council which meets monthly.

What We Do

Designed for advocacy, the Huntington-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging provides a combination of direct and subcontracted services to older individuals and serves as the focal point for providing long-term programs and services for our older citizens. This combination of services matches well with other local providers of human services in the Tri-County area.

Click Each Box Below to See the Services We Provide

Information & Referrals

Information & Referrals

  • Help Completing Forms
  • PACE (forms & assistance)
  • Rent & Property Tax Rebates (forms & assistance)
  • Referrals to Appropriate Programs and Agencies
  • Legal Assistance

In Home Care Services

In Home Care Services

  • Care Management
  • Cost Sharing
  • Home Health
  • Personal Care
  • Home Support
  • Personal Emergency Response System (PERS) Unit
  • Home Delivered Meals

Specialized Services

Additional Services

  • Assessments
  • Caregiver Support
  • Domiciliary Care
  • Medical Assistance Waiver
  • Overnight Shelter
  • Person-Centered Counseling



Congregate Services

Congregate Services

Protective Services

Protective Services

If you are interested in learning more about our services, please click here.

The Pennsylvania Lottery remains the only lottery system that exclusively targets all proceeds to programs for its elder citizens.


In 1971, the Pennsylvania General Assembly created a lottery system, the proceeds of which would be given to provide funding for the elderly in the Commonwealth. These lottery funds come in the form of an Aging Block Grant that is used by the 52 Area Agencies on Aging in Pennsylvania to provide services for elderly consumers. The Pennsylvania Lottery remains the only lottery system that exclusively targets all proceeds to programs for its elder citizens.

PA Lottery

Pennsylvania Lottery Benefits


The Pennsylvania Lottery is unique amongst lotteries because its proceeds can only be used to fund programs for older persons. The main programs funded via the Pennsylvania Lottery are:

Shared Ride Transportation

Home Delivered Meals

0 Meals*

Congregate Meals

0 Meals

Passenger Transportation

0 Trips

Legal Assistance

0 Referrals

Information & Referral

0 Contacts

Home Health

0 Hours*

Personal care/
personal assistance

0 hours*

overnight shelter (respite care)

0 Days*

Environmental home modification

0 projects*

Pers Units

0 units

Home support

0 hours*

Adult day care

0 days*

Care Management

0 contacts*

*Including MA Waiver Consumers **Annual timeline

Pharmaceutical Assistance Contract for the Elderly (PACE & PACENET) – Helps to pay for prescribed medications for Pennsylvania residents 65 years of age or older. Income guidelines apply.

Property Tax & Rent Rebates – Reimburses up to a maximum of $650 annually to persons who are 65, widows and widowers over age 50, and permanently disabled people aged 18 and over. Income guidelines apply.

If you would like to apply for PACE and/or Property Tax & Rent Rebates, you must file each year. Applications may be obtained at HBFAAA, through this website, your local senior center, state legislator’s office, and the Pennsylvania Department of Aging in Harrisburg. PACE Applications are also available at most pharmacies. Contact HBFAAA for more information on these programs.

Overview of Services Provided

Overview of Services Provided




MA Aging Waiver






Protective Services


Reported Cases

Placement Service
(Domiciliary care)






Family Caregiver
Support Program

