Warfordsburg Senior Center

Calendar of Events

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Warfordsburg Senior Center

Warfordsburg Senior Center

Warfordsburg, PA

Warfordsburg Senior Center is the place for older adults! We offer a variety of programs and services designed specifically to appeal to the interests of our active older community members. Our seniors are actively involved in the community, participate in dances, games, social activities, health education, exercise classes, and day trips. They enjoy speakers, parties, wellness programs, social events, art classes, enjoy hot lunches with friends, and so much more. We invite ALL seasoned adults (age 60+) to visit the center, located at 209 Long Hollow Drive in Warfordsburg, PA. Feel free to stop in any time we’re open or view our activities calendar and plan your visit. No membership is required.

Open Mic Night, Bowling League, Art Classes, Trips, and Other Activities

The group here in Warfordsburg really has a lot of fun and we hope you can join us. We host vendor fairs, and have game nights, art classes, a quilting group, and our own Wii and standard bowling leagues, as well as nutrition and exercise classes, Bible study, and a pop-up library. Our group also takes trips to area restaurants, sporting events, and unique attractions. We are always on the lookout for enjoyable ways to enhance our lives. 

Open Mic Night: 2nd Saturday of the Month (Food at 4pm; Stage opens at 5pm)

Game Night: Bi-weekly 1st & 4th Friday Evenings of the Month – Bring a snack! (We eat at 5pm and games start at 5:30pm)

Social Night: Last Saturday of the Month Up to October – 5pm (Bring a covered dish)

Thursdays: Coffee & News

Monday – Friday: Cards & Games

Our members make homemade butter, apple butter, pies, jams, and other delicious foods – join in some time! There is a regular open mic night right here at the Center, as well as musical events, parties, holiday celebrations, and potluck dinners throughout the year so you can relax and enjoy yourself in a warm, welcoming atmosphere with older adults like yourself. There is always something going on at the Center. There is no admission for these regularly scheduled events.

Join the Fool House Band – Keeping the Music Alive in Warfordsburg

Join the Fool House Band

Our growing house band, the Fool House Band, is a drum circle that doesn’t require a drum! Bring a drum, harmonica, guitar, fiddle, or any instrument you like and join the band! No instrument? No problem! An empty coffee can, washboard, your own unique homemade instrument – or even your own hands to clap will work just fine! No musical experience is necessary. Come as you are and help keep the music alive.

Delicious Lunch Meals Served Daily

Delicious Lunch Meals Served Daily

The Warfordsburg Senior Center offers variety and quality in the lunches we serve daily, Monday through Friday. Lunch is served at noon for a suggested contribution of $4.00. All individuals aged 60 and up may enjoy lunch regardless of ability to contribute; however, contributions are encouraged if you are able, as they help ensure sustainability of the program for those who need it. Be sure to call 24 hours ahead of time to reserve your lunch: 717-294-6020.

Click for Full Menu

Good nutrition is essential for everyone. Do you know someone aged 60+ who might benefit from home-delivered meals? If so, please call and let us know.

The Place Where Older Adults Congregate

As time goes by, it can become increasingly difficult to find members of our own generation to share interests, hobbies, and experiences when you don’t know where to look. The Warfordsburg Senior Center is where we congregate! The Center is the place to go for active older adults interested in maintaining a sense of community involvement –and fun! Our outings and programs are specifically intended to pique the interests of our generation. Welcome to your “second home.” We hope you will stop in and learn more about the activities and services available just for you.

Warfordsburg Senior Center

209 Long Hollow Road
Warfordsburg, PA 17267

Contact Warfordsburg Senior Center

Hours: 8:00am – 2:30pm
Monday – Friday

Need a Lift?

Transportation is provided at a cost of $1.00 each way to or from the center.

List of Services

The Huntingdon-Bedford-Fulton Area Agency on Aging offers access to many essential programs and services designed to promote the overall well-being of older adults in Fulton County. Legal services, Ombudsmen, elder abuse protective services, consumer protection, in-home services, home-delivered meals, and assistance applying for various programs and benefits are just a few of the services we are able to provide. For a list of services and additional information, explore our complete list of services.

Volunteer At Warfordsburg Senior Center

Are you looking for a way to make a difference in a life? Consider donating your time, talent, and energy to help Warfordsburg seniors and individuals with disabilities. As we age and strive to maintain independent lives, we can all use an extra hand from time to time. If you are able to help, your assistance is greatly appreciated. If you can help prepare a meal, bring a movie and popcorn, help with general maintenance tasks, or have something else in mind, please let us know. Whether you have one hour to offer or 100, your contribution makes a difference.