Hot Dog w/ Kraut Topping

Hot Dog w/ Kraut Topping, Cheesy Potatoes, Green Beans, Hot Dog Roll, Fresh Seasonal Fruit, and Milk

Chili Con Carne

Chili Con Carne, Tossed Salad w/ Tomato & Dressing, Baked Potato w/ Margarine, Buttermilk Biscuit, Cookie and Milk

Lasagna w/ Meatsauce

Lasagna w/ meat sauce topped w/ mozzarella, tossed salad w/ cucumber & dressing, breadstick, diced peaches, and milk.

Warm Roast Beef Sandwich

Warm Roast Beef Sandwich w/ cheese and au jus, homemade vegetable soup w/ crackers, sandwich roll, mixed fruit, and milk.

Baked Meatloaf w/ Gravy

Baked Meatloaf w/ gravy, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, wheat bread, cherry chip cake w/ topping, and milk.

Pumpkin Alfredo Chicken

Pumpkin alfredo chicken over bowties, tossed salad w/ tomato and dressing, Italian bread, pineapple tidbits, and chocolate milk.

Roasted Pork w/ Apples

Roasted Pork w/ Apples, Mashed Potatoes, Braised Cabbage, Mini biscuit w/ apple butter, cookie, and milk.

Creamy Chicken Divan

Creamy Chicken Divan over white rice, Tossed Salad w/ tomato and dressing, Breadstick, Peaches and milk.